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First Lady of the Revolution by Henrietta Boggs


You've seen "First Lady of the Revolution" featuring the remarkable story of Henrietta Boggs. Now read the autobiographic account of her time in Costa Rica and her marriage to José "Don Pepe" Figueres - the coffee farmer who went on to the lead the revolution that reformed the nation (including abolishing the military and giving women the right to vote and participate in the political process). Henrietta propels us into her life of adventure, marriage, exile, motherhood, revolution and leadership in this remarkable memoir. Originally published in 1992 as "Married to a Legend," this book has recently been republished in a new edition with brand new photographs.
This book is available in English and Spanish.

Ha visto la "Casada con una leyenda" presentando la extraordinaria historia de Henrietta Boggs. Ahora lea el relato autobiográfico de su tiempo en Costa Rica y de su matrimonio con José "don Pepe" Figueres, el cafetalero que lideró la revolución que reformó el estado costarricense (incluida la abolición del ejército y el derecho de las mujeres a votar y de participar en el proceso político). Henrietta nos impulsa en su vida de aventura, matrimonio, exilio, maternidad, revolución y liderazgo en esta extraordinaria memoria. Este libro está disponible en inglés y español.